b'CREATE YOUR OWN WALLChoice Elements for Jobs Wall Kit Maker WallTheMakerWallfeaturesapegboard designwithavarietyofaccessories STEP 1: Choose your wall perfect for maker and STEAM spaces. Thiswallsupportscreativeprojects STEP 2: Measure your wallwith customizable hooks, shelves, and STEP 3: Select your choice elements Library Wall bins,allowingforversatiletooland The Library Wall combines slat wallmaterial organization.STEP 4: Select your colors and finishes andshelvingtocreateaninstant STEP 5: Design your own dynamic wall libraryinanylearningspace.It offers flexible storage solutions for books,materials,andresources, makingiteasytoorganizeand access information effortlessly.TouchTone Sensory WallThe TouchTone Sensory Wall is an essential element for the Jobs Wall,offeringbothsensoryandpracticalbenefits.Itscolorful, soft-to-the-touch panels provide a tactile experience that invites interaction,whileitstackablesurfaceallowsforeasypinning and display of materials. These features support the Jobs Wall by enhancing organization and visual engagement, making it easierStore Wall TouchdownZone+ Whiteboard Store Wallto manage and access resources. The sound-absorbing qualitiesTheStoreWallprovidesversatileverticalorganizationwithThe Take Cover Whiteboard Store Wall integrates additional storage also contribute to a more focused and productive environment,pegboard construction. It ensures easy access to all materialswithawhiteboardsurface,offeringbothhiddenstorageandan complementing the functionality of the Jobs Wall. and resources, offering a customizable solution that adapts toideationspace.MountedwithourTrackStarsystem,itcombines different storage needs, keeping your space efficient and tidy. accessibility and functionality,'